Common Sense

I’ve seen a few comments out there to the effect that actually people should remember this is the first release, that mapping is hard, that it’s not their fault Google wouldn’t give them maps, and therefore Apple should be cut some slack. To my mind, this is nonsense. It’s effectively grading Apple on a curve, giving them a pass to create something sub-standard because doing good maps is really tough.

We will “survive this one”, too. Because, fortunately, some people get it.

And because Apple is smart enough to say they screwed up, apologize, then go back to work.

Enough with the witty excuses no one cares about?


Now read this

Growing Pains

Matt Alexander: We no longer live in a world in which commerce is characterized by the simplistic exchange of currency for a product or service. Instead, the Internet has given rise to utterly new forms of revenue generation. Although,... Continue →