Everything is a Remix  

I know I’m late to the party with this, but episode 4 of the “Everything is a Remix” web series was published in mid-February, and I never had the chance to truly express how much I appreciate Kirby Ferguson’s work. If for some reason you missed Everything is a Remix, to use Kirby’s own words:

You don’t need expensive tools, you don’t need a distributor, you don’t even need skills. Remixing is a folk art — anybody can do it. Yet these techniques — collecting material, combining it, transforming it — are the same ones used at any level of creation. You could even say that everything is a remix.

The art of remixing rings particularly true to me because I can see its results every day. Apps, music – even bundles from Storify could be considered, in fact, remixes.

When not encumbered by patents, many of today’s innovations can flourish because of their very own nature of remixes of previous ideas. Kirby’s series does an excellent job at illustrating this, and I can’t wait for his next work: This is Not a Conspiracy Theory.


Now read this

Tech Predictions From 1888

In 1888, New York journalist David Goodman Croly published Glimpses of the Future, a “compilation” of predictions about the future “to be read now and judged in the year 2000”. I found the original link on Reddit, which pointed to this... Continue →