iCloud vs. The Web  

Manton Reece posted a good follow-up to my article about the first six months of iCloud:

If you’re a developer considering iCloud support, just make sure your data fits there. Ask yourself if your data is all about your app, or if it’s bigger than your app. Developers who are willing to take a risk on building an open API instead of iCloud could see new opportunities: web-based views of their data, compatibility with other apps, and syncing on the Mac outside of the App Store.

The key is interoperability. I know of several developers who tried to implement a single iCloud storage for some of their apps, and got rejected, as Apple doesn’t like the idea of different apps from the same developer sharing iCloud documents. At least for now.

If your app spans multiple devices and platforms, choose the Web.

Update: The developer documentation says apps from a single developer account can share iCloud data. Like I said, though, I heard from various developers who had their apps rejected because Apple wasn’t “happy” with the implementation of different apps with similar functionalities accessing iCloud data from a single developer account.


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Tech Predictions From 1888

In 1888, New York journalist David Goodman Croly published Glimpses of the Future, a “compilation” of predictions about the future “to be read now and judged in the year 2000”. I found the original link on Reddit, which pointed to this... Continue →