Jessica Ghawi  

Via Shawn Blanc:

I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath. For one man, it was in the middle of a busy food court on a Saturday evening.

Jessica was killed at the midnight screening in Aurora.

Too often we take what we have for granted. Our house. Our car. Our cellphones. Our friends. Our loved ones. The sushi Jessica wanted to eat.

To me, it’s not about politics, religion, or a combination of both. If there’s one thing battling cancer has taught me, it’s that what I have can be taken away in a second. That I should fight for it. Cherish it. Try to make it better.

Every damn minute I’m given on this little planet of ours.

Life is fragile. But it’s a fragility worth holding onto.


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