Shawn Blanc On The iPad As His Laptop  

Shawn Blanc explains how (and why) he’s using the iPad as his “laptop”:

I once again find myself using two computers. Except this time it’s my MacBook Air that serves as my “desktop” while my iPad is now my “laptop.”

And I’m not the only one. Within my circle of friends, I know several people who are also using their iPad as their portable computer. I even have a handful friends who have an iPad as their only computer.

It is not a sacrifice to use the iPad as a primary device.

He’s definitely not the only one. My writing workflow now mainly revolves around Dropbox and the iPad; smart folks like Harry McCracken and David Chartier have been documenting and sharing their experiences with a post-PC setup for months now.

Maybe we won’t have to wait 20 years to resolve the dispute about “the iPad as a PC”.


Now read this

iCloud Public Links

In testing a new iOS app with iCloud integration, I noticed a feature to create public links for files hosted on I didn’t know it was possible for developers to enable such functionality with the existing iCloud API. In fact,... Continue →