Some Markdown Links

I’ve been playing around with the latest Nebulous Notes update this weekend, building macros for my Markdown-writing workflow. I ended up browsing Pinboard for some new Markdown tricks and resources, so I decided to repost the links I’ve saved here.

Docverter: A hosted pandoc. Useful if you don’t have your own server to do remote file conversions.

Dillinger: HTML5, web-based Markdown editor. It’s got a cool UI, theme options, and possibility to link with Dropbox and Github.

EpicEditor: Embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Supports live previewing and automatic draft saving.

Byword Markdown syntax: Always useful to keep around if you use Byword.

LinkFester: Useful tool to turn RSS feeds into Markdown lists of links. I used it for my Pinboard and Instapaper feeds, and it worked like a charm.

Markable: Another web-based Markdown editor, with Dropbox, Evernote, and Tumblr integration and some paid options.

Macdrifter’s TextExpander Touch snippets for Markdown: From last year, always handy.

FoldingText: New app by Hog Bay Software.


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