Thank You

Editorial Book

Today, I launched my first book on the iBookstore. It’s about Editorial for iPad and text automation, and you can get it here. I posted more details at MacStories.

Today has been, professionally speaking, one of the most rewarding days of my life. The book took three weeks of hard work to produce (not to mention the eight months of Editorial testing and two weeks it took me to write the initial review), and the response has been amazing. If you look at the numbers, the book is currently sitting at #1 in the Computers & Internet category of several international iBookstores (including the US) and #6 in the Top Paid overall of the US iBookstore. I mean, the book is outselling titles like Fifty Shades of Grey and Dan Brown’s Inferno in several countries. That is something I could have never imagined.

But even more than the numbers, I wasn’t expecting such strong support from MacStories readers, Twitter followers, and people who are discovering the book and my writing through iTunes today.

I hope that you will like my book as much as I loved creating it.

Thank you. Grazie. Gracias. Merci. Danke. Wherever you are, you’re awesome and you made my day.


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