The iPad As A Laptop  

This post by Shawn Blanc echoes my same thoughts about the iPad as “a computer”:

My MacBook Air is now my “desktop” and my iPad is now my “laptop”. I’ve spent the past month using and testing different apps so that my iPad can function as a work device when I’m away from my desk. This is, primarily, so that I can travel without the MacBook Air. As light and thin as the Air is, it still doesn’t match the iPad.

For the past months, I have been taking a look at several iPad apps, user workflows, and limitations to a) get more done on the device and b) assemble a “ iPad in Real Life” series for MacStories. Hopefully the first installments will be ready soon, and I look forward to it as I have dedicated a lot of time to better understanding the platform and talking with people and developers.

Meanwhile, here’s my Post-PC Retrospective from February.


Now read this

445 Days

447 days ago, I found out I had cancer. Last Monday, 445 days after my first scan, my PET scan came back negative. This doesn’t mean my journey is over: it means the treatments I have received, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, have been... Continue →