Facebook IPO Day Links

Today, Facebook became a public company. Here’s a Techmeme archive for today’s news. Both The Verge and The Next Web had excellent coverage today as well.

Below, a collection of cool/interesting/noteworthy links I saved this morning as tech bloggers were live-blogging the live-streaming Facebook IPO.

Video: Mark Zuckerberg Rings The Nasdaq Bell Before Facebook IPO

An Intense, Close Up Shot Of What Mark Zuckerberg Looks Like Right Now

Best Screenshot Of Facebook Bell Ringing

At The Moment The Bell Was Rung

Mark Zuckerberg’s Custom Open Graph Action

How Facebook Hacked The NASDAQ Button

The Facebook Story: From Inception To IPO

The Facebook Offering: How It Compares


Now read this

Twitter, Cards, and Developers

Mike Isaac, reporting on Twitter’s new stance on third-party apps and “consistency” in the ecosystem: The problem is, there are far more clients than the official ones: Tweetbot, Echofon, Osfoora, all are popular alternatives among many... Continue →